How do matching savings rates and automatic enrollment in savings programs affect overall savings?
How does anonymously asking questions about sexual and reproductive health affect sexual behavior?
How do training enumerators affect self-reporting of illicit behavior?
How do loan repayment text message reminders affect borrower behavior?
How do information campaigns and water connections bought on credit affect community welfare?
How do block grants and empowering groups in decision making affect local affairs?
How does providing information and training to community members affect involvement in participatory programs?
How does offering an incentive or reminder affect the payment behaviors of financial loan clients?
How does education on water usage affect water consumption and water bill payments?
How do savings accounts and other financial incentives affect the likelihood that participants will purchase a mechanized desludging, whether subsidized or unsubsidized?
Does giving out starter kits and increasing the price of kerosene affect newborn health?
How does information provision and peer similarity affect voter turnout?
How does internet access, restricted to Wikipedia, affect students' academic performance and availability of new information?
What effect do text messages have on account activity for individuals in the Dominican Republic?
What effect did anti-violence against women films have on rates of violence and willingness to report violence against women?
How do community empowerment programs affect village outcomes?
How does a political text message program using citizen's names and councilor encouragement affect political participation?
How do improved cooking stoves affect long-run health and fuel costs?
How does reserving leadership positions for women affect the provision of public goods?
How do financial incentives for teachers affect student performance?
Does providing low-income housing away from slums improve low-income people's lives?
How do transfer programs affect the prices of goods within local markets?
How does agricultural information delivered by mobile phones affect productivity?
How do fixed and random sobreity check points affect incidents related to drunk driving?
Does media on social norms affect deference to authority?
How does providing information cards about subsidized rice affect citizen empowerment?
What is the effect of bank messages on a client's financial behavior?
How does sending informative SMS messages to registered voters affect civic engagement?
Does building a personal relationship with borrowers improve loan repayment behavior?
How do large-scale sanitation programs affect sanitation practices?
How do town hall meetings with party representatives affect voting behavior?
How does including a mobile phone component to adult education courses affect educational outcomes?
How does providing subsidies to households affect electricity adoption and economic and non-economic outcomes?
How does providing firms the opportunity to comment on government draft regulations and requesting feedback affect their compliance?
How does living close to members of another religion affect how people feel about them?
How do energy auditors affect energy management?
How does encouraging passengers to speak up against reckless driving affect driving speed and recklessness?
How does federal funding affect infrastructure?
How does providing healthcare meetings to communities affect the quality of heathcare and information provided they receive?
How does intensive policing and improving local services affect security and officially-reported crime?
How does not winning the lottery affect status of living of slum residents?
How does training affect the relationships between members and leaders of rural producer organizations?
How do text messages to parents about their child's internet use affect the child's internet usage?
How do prepaid electricity meters affect electrical use and payment behavior?
What is the effect of community-driven development programs on community projects and social inclusion within the community?
How do improved cookstoves affect health and fuel usage in rural communities?
How do community-driven reconstruction programs affect community welfare?
How do SMS reminder systems affect medical treatment success rates?
Do higher deposit fees affect savings behavior?
Does a difference in income level change the impact a cash transfer program has on a child's physical and cognitive development?
How do reminder text messages from the government affect the awareness of victimized homeless groups of their inclusion in aid programs?
How does upgrading slum dwellings affect the living conditions of the extremely poor?
How do paved roads affect home and land prices?
How does intervention by community leaders affect HIV stigmas?
How does providing health centers with online access to lab results affect the delivery time of test results?
How do resource transfers affect the quality of life for impoverished households?
How does receiving reminders to take HIV/AIDS medication affect treatment adherence rates?
How does providing health care staff members with digital equipment affect the speed and accuracy of inputting lab results into the main system?
How does a government audit compare to local accountability in affecting the rate of corruption in village projects?
How does a social support project affect young girls' general well-being?
How does humanitarian aid affect preparedness for natural disasters?
How does a practice-based education model affect assertiveness in high school males?
How does microcredit affect household businesses in rural areas?
How does living in foster care or non-institutional care affect children language abilities?
How does farmer efficiency training affect farmers' productivity and output?
How does access to different methods of HIV testing affect the rate of HIV testing among truck drivers?
How does a natural resources information campaign affect community attitudes towards natural resources?
How do multi-stakeholder forums affect citizen mobilization to hold their policy makers accountable?
Do different forms of teaching best health principles affect health behaviors?
How does a community mobilization program affect the prevalence and acceptance of intimate partner violence?
How do community-driven reconstruction programs (CDR) enhance community members' ability to act collectively for mutual gain?
How do single-stove solar ovens affect carbon monoxide exposure, the time required for meal preparation, and the amount of fuel burned in Senegalese villages?
How does participation in a combined microfinance and training program on gender roles and communication affect the participants' perceived social capital within the community?
How does receiving text messages affect health workers' quality of distribution of malaria medication (artemether-lufefantrine) to patients?
How does a talk show that discusses reducing intergroup conflict affect tolerance and donations?
How does a HIV/Mental Health Program affect communication and knowledge about sexually risky behaviors?
How does information given to village leaders and/or the general public affect knowledge about natural resources in the area?
How does information given to villages on oil and gas activities affect the transparency and accountability of government officials and oil companies?
How does sharing information about oil and gas revenue affect leaders and ordinary citizens?
How does community monitoring affect detection of environmental issues?
How does visually tracking children's immunizations affect the likelihood that children are immunized?
How does a travel subsidy on job search trips affect job finding and quality?
How does a web-oriented education program on HPV affect girls' willingness to receive the HPV vaccine?
How does social media deactivation during times of ethnic tension affect ethnically polarized regions?
How do pill reminder phone calls affect on-time pick-up for HIV medication?
How does a patient empowerment treatment affect patients' knowledge of coronary heart disease?
How does an improved biomass-fueled cooking stove affect household air pollution?
How do pharmacist counseling and informational services affect patients' transition of care?
How do free liquified petroleum gas stoves and related policy-interventions affect uptake and usage of the stove?
How do text reminders to take HIV treatments affect participant adherence to taking medication?
How does a subsidy program on an agricultural package affect farming results?
How does reception of a liquified petroleum gas stove affect nitrogen dioxide concentrations?
How do sub-county barazas affect household use and perceptions of government performance?
How do a workshop and social marketing campaign designed to reduce HIV and tuberculosis stigma affect stigma concerning HIV and tuberculosis in the healthcare workplace?
How do subsidies and credit payment plans affect charcoal consumption and cooking times with stoves?
How does an informational campaign affect the number of households that apply for an electric connection?
How does multimedia training affect pain management attitudes and practices of pediatric nurses?
How does asking community members to donate to community projects affect collective action capacity?
How do different types of constituents affect the response rate of politicians?
Does subsidizing text messages to politicians affect constituents' communication with them?
How do private-contribution voucher programs affect non-elite participation and decentralization efforts in communities?
How does a film about reporting corruption impact actual corruption report numbers and perceptions about corruption within a community?
Do debates affect individuals' voting behaviors?
How does oversight from civil anti-corruption groups impact the efficiency of public works projects?
How do gender and incentives affect how farmers adopt new farming technology?
How does a community-driven development program affect people's involvement in their communities?
How do mass media campaigns and community trainings affect handwashing behavior and children's health?
How do community-based development projects affect grievances of marginalized groups?
What is the impact of UNMIL Radio on women's participation in local and national politics?
How does providing feedback on test performance affect students' learning and educational environment?
How does community-driven development impact the quality of schools and hospitals in the community?
How do incentives for a public good change behavior in a community?
Does the structure of information on solar lamps provided affect the amount of solar lamps purchased?
How does a grouped order app affect small store owners' productivity?
How do different incentives to register with the government affect firm formalization?
How do conditional cash transfers and interactions with transfer repicients affect school enrollment?
How do household energy efficient lightbulbs affect large-scale electricity outcomes?
How do solar energy kits affect the cost of energy usage and the total time spent on domestic work?
How do information and subsidies affect the adoption of solar lanterns?
How does providing households with an energy kit affect households' energy consumption and welfare?
Do letters reminding employers and employees to be honest about tax filing affect payroll deductions?
How do reserved female areas on public buses affect the rates at which harassment occur?
How does a subsidized loan on latrine construction affect household uptake of latrines and sanitary habits?
How does demand for electricity react to changes in price?
How do local government matching grants affect infrastructure in urban poor areas?
How does exposure to celebrity tweets affect vaccine knowledge and campaign reach?
How does celebrity source citation affect celebrity follower tweet interactions?
How does online sex education impact perceptions of sexual health and sexual activity?
How do price variations in credit and different information framing on fuel efficient stoves affect households' willingness to pay?
How does different price subsidies for connection to the electricity grid affect standard of living?
How does descriptive representation impact economic opportunities available to subpopulations in their respective regions?
How does an online trading database affect trade item prices, price estimation, and revenues?
Do electricity token transfers and cash transfers affect the usage of electricity and currency?
How does increased communication affect approval of government?
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