How does self selection through an auction for a forestry contract affect reforestation sucess?
Does protecting the community spring affect local health interests?
How does providing services to help farmers use cash crops affect farmer welfare?
How do agricultural training programs affect high-risk men's economic behavior?
How do loans and credit offers affect agricultural returns?
How does having access to weather insurance and credit affect farmers' financial and agricultural behavior?
How do interest-free loans during growing seasons affect household consumption and labor?
How does providing farmers with savings accounts affect financial decisions?
How do insurance payouts affect the welfare of agricultural households?
How do information campaigns and water connections bought on credit affect community welfare?
How does offering incentives for people to migrate to urban areas during the hungry season affect behaviors during seasonal famines?
How do financial literacy courses affect financial behavior?
How does data sharing affect technology learning among farmers?
How do free deliveries and subsidies affect fertilizer use among farmers?
How do food storage programs and food credit programs affect participants' financial habits?
How does education on water usage affect water consumption and water bill payments?
How does a program designed to enhance the quality of life for the ultra-poor affect the role that women played at home?
How does establishing village banking institutions affect the financial stability of households in villages?
How does presenting information on disasters affect insurance take-up rates?
How does providing savings account affect the financial decisions of farmers?
How does receiving a crop storage bag affect maize farmers' farming habits?
How do informational visits about banking options affect different facets of household finances?
How does offering drought insurance affect farming practices among farming households?
How do different weather insurance plans affect the likelihood of insurance uptake?
How do food banks affect the nutrition of children and adults?
Does a mobile agriculture service affect farmer's decisions about best practices in agriculture?
How do poverty-alleviating programs affect sustainable income and financial security in the short-run?
How do poverty-alleviating programs affect sustainable income and financial security in the long-run?
What is the effect of maize storage on maize sales?
How does a Christianity education program affect economic and lifestyle outcomes?
What is the impact of skilled row planting strategies on teff productivity for an individual farmer?
How does agricultural training affect agricultural processes and outcomes?
How do unconditional cash transfers affect long term attitudes and behaviors?
What is the impact of maize harvest training and hermetic bags on maize loss and profit?
How do development programs targeted at women's groups affect group development?
How does a free breakfast affect students?
How do improved cooking stoves affect long-run health and fuel costs?
What impact does expanding credit access to the marginally creditworthy have on health of applicants and profitability for lenders?
How do different levels of fertilizer affect agricultural return?
How does requiring village councils to reserve seats for minorities affect the allocation of public goods in minority areas?
How does participation in a savings group affect females' financial welfare?
How does hiring independent auditors affect industrial plant credibility and level of pollution emissions?
How does additional information or discounting affect demand for crop insurance?
How does the take-it-or-leave-it approach affect water filter purchases?
How does offering flexible loans affect investment in farmers?
Does offering insurance with a loan package affect the loan take-up?
How do farming-improvement programs affect the behavior of small-scale farmers?
How does the offer of a voucher for fertilizer and improved seeds affect small-scale maize farmers?
How do subsidies impact interest in and purchases of improved cooking stoves?
How does training different levels of farmers and providing incentives affect farmers?
How does an environmental conditional cash transfer program affect deforestation among private forest owners?
How do transfer programs affect the prices of goods within local markets?
How does providing information and subsidies for health products affect the demand for those health products?
How does agricultural information delivered by mobile phones affect productivity?
How do financial education and marketing techniques affect purchase of rainfall insurance?
How do community testers affect exposure to arsenic in water?
How do different types of warnings affect whether people switch to safe water sources?
How does leadership by example affect the provison of public goods?
How does providing information cards about subsidized rice affect citizen empowerment?
Does privatizing government distribution of subsidized rice affect the efficiency of distribution?
Can flood-resistant rice varieties increase rice production in flood-prone areas?
How does the distribution of flood-tolerant seeds affect farming practices after 2 years?
How do large-scale sanitation programs affect sanitation practices?
How does a free grant of fertilizer affect farmers?
What is the effect of offering insurance to farmers with different payment options?
How does the effort required to obtain water treatments affect whether participants actually utilize the treatment?
What effect did public works programs have on food security?
Does strengthening land laws affect perceptions of land ownership and women's land rights?
How do training and educational meetings affect diarrhoea in children?
How does using model famers affect knowledge and adoption of Integrated Soil Fertility Management techniques?
How does controlling a price gap affect consumer prices and agent revenue and behavior?
How do technical trainings and demonstration plots affect farming tool sales?
How do afforestation contracts affect socioeconomic well-being?
How do individual water cisterns for a given household affect corruption?
Does selling a water filter in different ways affect children's diarrhea after the purchase?
How do audits and information affect illegal fish sales?
How does disaster experience an knowledge affect insurance knowledge and take-up decisions?
How do price changes affect staple good consumption?
How does training affect the relationships between members and leaders of rural producer organizations?
How does offering traders a bonus for cocoa sales affect farmers' economic outcomes?
How do farming technology advertisers' social statuses affect farming technology knowledge and adoption among locals?
How do cash loans affect maize supply and demand?
How do price varied chlorine dispensers affect access to communal chlorine dispensers?
Which methods help farmers deal with seasonal volatilities?
How does giving tenant farmers access to microcredit programs impact tenant farmers' financial participation and productivity?
How do nutritional and agricultural trainings affect household health and knowledge?
How do improved cookstoves affect health and fuel usage in rural communities?
How do cash transfers affect childhood development?
Do sanitation campaigns affect household sanitation?
Does providing patients with nutritional guidance affect health problems associated with HIV triple drug therapy?
How do conditional cash transfers to select households in a village indirectly affect the consumption of other households that were not eligible for cash transfers?
How do recycling messages affect recycling behaviors?
How do supplements effect child nutrition and development?
How does sending farmers daily SMS messages with price and weather information affect their selling behaviors?
Does receiving a conditional cash transfer affect how different genders spend their time working?
How do cash transfers affect the productivity of impoverished rural households?
What impact do cash transfers, grants, and vocational trainings have on the effects of droughts?
What impact do conditional cash transfers have on different types of caloric availability during droughts?
What is the effect of providing water disinfectants on the incidence rate of diarrhea in households and especially among children?
Does having a household water filter affect the household rate of diarrheal disease and the amount of bacteria in the drinking water?
How do health interventions affect the spread of parasitic skin diseases?
How does a targeted approach towards treating water containers against mosquitos compare to the normal method of treating all water containers?
How do expensive supplements and corn-soy blends affect nutrition in HIV patients?
What impact do cash or food transfers have on household consumption and health?
What impact do different types of transfers have on a household's consumption and nutrition?
How does receiving a product during an experimental study affect households willingness to purchase and use that product after the study is complete?
Do nutrient-filled sprinkles impact anemia in young children?
How do cash transfers affect food expenditures?
How do chimney woodstoves affect respiratory health in women after 18 months?
How do chimney woodstoves affect respiratory health in women after 10-12 months?
Does using a chimney stove during pregnancy affect the birthweight of the newborn infants?
Does milk fortified with nutrients affect child growth and iron-levels?
How do social networks affect whether farmers decide to insure their crops?
What effect does a diet diversity intervention have on the growth of infants?
What is the impact of food provisions on Tuberculosis treatment?
How does a community-based intervention against dengue fever affect people's understanding of and risk of catching the disease?
Does a handwashing-promotion campaign affect handwashing behavior 18 months later?
Does receiving information about water quality affect purification habits?
How does community pressure and government assistance affect the ownership and use of latrines?
How does the timing of a nutrition-supplement program affect the negative association between food insecurity and mother-infant interactions?
How do drought-resistant seeds affect crops?
Does reserving seats in the village government for women affect the government's focus on key issues?
How does information about the advantages of certified grapes affect the amount of people that purchase those grapes?
How does the type of message about the dangers of arsenic in water affect the percent of households that switch to a well with less arsenic?
How does receiving training and resources for water purification and hand-washing affect diarrhea prevalence in children?
How does handwashing affect child health?
How does sanitizing and safely storing water affect drinking water contamination and diarrhea prevalence?
How does solar disinfection of drinking water affect diarrhea prevalence?
How does information on water contamination affect reliance on various water sources?
How do handwashing interventions affect handwashing practices and contamination?
How can a combination of food supplementation and psychosocial stimulation affect the development of severely malnourished children?
How does water purification experience affect purchases of water purifiers?
How does training mothers on proper food preparation and storage affect contamination levels in weaning food?
How does a handwashing intervention affect long-term handwashing behaviors?
How does group counseling affect child nutrition?
How do water sanitation products and hygienic information affect health?
How does waste management collaboration affect dengue?
How does humanitarian aid affect preparedness for natural disasters?
How does farmer efficiency training affect farmers' productivity and output?
How do unconditional cash transfers affect the quality of life for poor households?
How do different forms of financial aid affect the use of environmental resources by impoverished farmers?
How does a natural resources information campaign affect community attitudes towards natural resources?
How do multi-stakeholder forums affect citizen mobilization to hold their policy makers accountable?
How do cash or food transfers affect a household's food consumption?
How does receiving cash transfers affect poverty and food security?
How does free distribution of improved cooking stoves affect consumption of firewood and time spent collecting firewood?
How does receiving information on either diarrhea or malaria affect knowledge and preventative actions regarding malaria?
How do single-stove solar ovens affect carbon monoxide exposure, the time required for meal preparation, and the amount of fuel burned in Senegalese villages?
Does providing food transfers and training impact the incentive of money earners in a household to work?
How do cash grants, insurance grants, and a combination of the two affect the agricultural cultivation and production of farmers?
How does a program with training and cash grants affect quality of life?
Do audio programs, training, or handouts affect farmer's knowledge of donkey care and health?
Does having mentor mothers visit households affect the weight-for-age z-scores of underweight children?
How do rice farming technique training programs affect farmers' adoption of improved cultivation practices?
Does giving supplemental foods to infants affect maternal and infant health?
How does a snack program in elementary schools affect student attendance rates?
How does increasing access to microfinance loans affect quality of life for poor individuals?
How does the SHAZ! intervention affect a woman's financial security and sexual activity?
How does exposure to ISFM practices affect knowledge and behavior?
How does agriculture sales training affect wealth and markets?
How does the multi-level hygiene program affect sanitation practices?
How does information given to village leaders and/or the general public affect knowledge about natural resources in the area?
How does information given to villages on oil and gas activities affect the transparency and accountability of government officials and oil companies?
How does agricultural training affect knowledge of and adoption of integrated soil fertility management practices?
What are the effects of conditional cash transfers on economic outcomes?
How does sharing information about oil and gas revenue affect leaders and ordinary citizens?
How does community monitoring affect detection of environmental issues?
Does a community water sanitation workshop affect overall water treatment?
How do environmental conservation programs affect the environment and the well-being of humans in the region they are implemented?
Do CEMS devices and data reporting affect firm emission outputs?
How do community meetings and household visits affect household sanitation?
Does a toilet makeover marketing campaign affect latrine use?
How do information and commitment devices affect latrine use and maintenance?
How do text reminders on agricultural training affect farmers' harvest habits?
Does access to an educational program impact the medical quality of life for patients with asthma or COPD?
How does nutritional education for preschoolers and caregivers affect preschoolers' consumption of orange-fleshed sweet potatoes?
How do cash transfers for environmental protection affect food security and financial security?
How do programs designed to support AID-orphaned adolescents affect adolescent health and financial security?
How do unconditional cash transfers, nutrient supplements, and behavioral training affect the physical health of children?
How do health education and nutrition supplements affect infants' health at 24 months?
How do agricultural training and health counseling affect the dietary diversity and food security of women?
How do informational sessions, drying sheet provisions, and market premium offers affect farmer aflatoxin control?
How do free liquified petroleum gas stoves and related policy-interventions affect uptake and usage of the stove?
How does a subsidy program on an agricultural package affect farming results?
How does reception of a liquified petroleum gas stove affect nitrogen dioxide concentrations?
How do sub-county barazas affect household use and perceptions of government performance?
How do water, sanitation, handwashing, and nutrition interventions affect the prevalence of disease-causing pathogens in infants?
How do subsidies and credit payment plans affect charcoal consumption and cooking times with stoves?
Does an interest-based savings program or a friends networking program affect savings and investments in agricultural technology?
How does a sanitation and hygiene education affect the frequency of diarrheal incidents?
How do community-implemented monitoring practices affect management of common pool resources?
How does support from trained peers, who are also on AIDS therapy, affect adherence to treatments and timeliness of clinical visits?
How do gender and incentives affect how farmers adopt new farming technology?
How do land formalization policies affect a farmer's perception of land ownership and agricultural participation?
How does participation in self-help groups affect financial and civic engagement?
How do social comparisons and goal-setting affect household water use?
How do centralized trainings affect the use of sustainable land management techniques?
How does offering insurance against low rainfall affect farmers' planting decisions?
How do savings accounts affect the use of banking and agricultural welfare?
What effect do information and cash transfers have on child development in Nepal?
How do anti-corruption messages impact citizens' willingness to openly demand change?
How does the type of transfer (food or cash) impact learning, health, and behavior outcomes in children?
How does a subsidy voucher program affect the existing private business sector, the success of the subsidy vouchers, and the well-being of recipients?
How does a food storage program affect household finances and wellbeing in the village?
Does providing compensation for reforestation affect household welfare?
How do mobile money agents affect financial savings and food security?
How does a hygiene campaign affect hygienic behavior and knowledge?
How do community agreements and public information affect choices of water consumption?
How does a poverty-reduction intervention affect behavior and well-being in extremely poor households?
How does priming participants impact self-reported food consumption data?
How do transfers affect prices and the likelihood of children having stunted growth?
How do solar energy kits affect the cost of energy usage and the total time spent on domestic work?
How does asking participants to recall the number of hours spent in harvesting activities affect the reported number of hours worked and the number of people who worked?
Does providing payment at thresholds, as opposed to linear payment, affect group coordination and forest management efficacy?
How do information and subsidies affect the adoption of solar lanterns?
How does parents answering questions for their children affect how much girls were reported working on the farm?
How does implementing a village-wide land distinction intervention affect land security and agricultural investment?
How does providing households with an energy kit affect households' energy consumption and welfare?
How does providing farmers with orange flesh sweet potato vines, farming resources, and nutritional information affect their diet?
How does a subsidized food security affect rice consumption for households of different income types?
How do financial literacy materials and insurance vouchers affect insurance uptake?
How does the social network of having neighbors receive financial literacy materials and insurance vouchers affect insurance uptake?
Do unconditional monthly cash transfers affect poverty?
Do cash transfers, financial group support, and life skills training affect overall socioeconomic standing?
How does a drip irrigation subsidy affect water conservation?
How do cash and matching grants affect entrepreneurs' business development?
How does deworming affect health, education, and employment outcomes in the long run?
How do framing and social pressure affect various sanitary practices?
How do peers affect opinions and behaviors regarding purchasing cook stoves?
How do marketing messages affect willingness to pay for health-improving products?
How do local government matching grants affect infrastructure in urban poor areas?
How does teaching farmers new rice cultivation methods affect the adoption of and benefits of the new method for both students and teachers?
How does the type of entry point for a new rice variety affect the spread of and understanding of the new variety?
Does allowing no-risk purchasing increase the use of fertilizer?
How do different wage offers in various social situations affect labor supply and earnings?
How do price variations in credit and different information framing on fuel efficient stoves affect households' willingness to pay?
How does the presence of agrodealers affect the diffusion of technology and new innovations to farmers?
How do agricultural extension services, individual recommendations, and grants affect farming habits and successes?
How do service programs and cash transfers affect household and individual health and well-being?
How do messages promoting health, nutrition, and credibility of fortified rice affect subjects' willingness to purchase fortified rice?
How does an online trading database affect trade item prices, price estimation, and revenues?
How do cash loans and lockboxes affect financial decisions of farmers?
How do conditional cash transfers affect early childhood nutrition?
How does assignment to a single gender or mixed gender group in a simulation game affect social outcomes?
How do cash transfers affect consumption and household welfare?
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