How do teacher incentives affect the performance of students?
How do cash transfers conditional on preventative health services affect health outcomes?
How do medical supplies affect infant care and mortality rates?
How does grouping students by achievement affect their quality of education?
How does a free breakfast affect students?
Does providing free textbooks improve student academic performance?
How do development programs targeted at women's groups affect group development?
How do educational inputs affect student performance?
How does anonymously asking questions about sexual and reproductive health affect sexual behavior?
How does a community mobilization program affect the prevalence and acceptance of intimate partner violence?
How does providing information and training to community members affect involvement in participatory programs?
Do school grants affect test scores?
Does a financial literacy training program for migrant workers and their families affect financial behavior?
How do gender and incentives affect how farmers adopt new farming technology?
How does providing a primary school in rural areas affect children's education?
Do education subsidies, HIV training, or both affect risky sexual behavior?
How do youth internships affect long-term employment prospects?
How does spraying insecticide in dwellings affect household concern for malaria?
How do restricted-access bank accounts and visits from bank representatives affect financial decisions?
What was the effect of education/development services on children's development?
What effect does a public-private partnership have on private schools?
How does exposure to a children's educational media program affect children's development?
How does self selection through an auction for a forestry contract affect reforestation sucess?
How does leadership by example affect the provison of public goods?
How do block grants and empowering groups in decision making affect local affairs?
How does increased community power over school management and spending decisions affect the quality of schools?
How do cash transfers given to parents influence student attendance?
How does participation in a savings group affect females' financial welfare?
How do free uniforms affect primary school students?
How does rule-of-thumb training impact micro-entrepreneurs' business practices and performance?
How does health insurance education affect health insurance participation?
How does business training affect the business practices of female entrepreneurs?
How do holistic reading programs inside or outside of school affect preschool students' reading abilities?
How do after-school clubs for girls affect female socioeconomic status?
How do framing and social pressure affect various sanitary practices?
How do subsidies, health education, verbal commitments, and social connections affect the sustainability of deworming medicine?
How do different student evaluation programs affect education outcomes?
How does increased access to microfinance affect people's financial outcomes?
How do scholarships improve learning outcomes?
How do community-driven reconstruction programs affect community welfare?
How do money transfers conditional on school attendance affect girls' well-being 5 years after the money was given?
How do cash transfers affect childhood development?
Does providing access to child care centers affect early childhood development and family monthly income?
Does information, education, and community mobilization decrease male control of and violence against women?
Do sanitation campaigns affect household sanitation?
Do community assistants affect students' learning?
How does being raised in institutional care instead of foster care affect the health of a child?
How does paying teachers based on attendance affect school quality?
How do commitment savings accounts affect female empowerment?
How does reserving government council seats for women affect children's learning and health outcomes in the long-term?
What effect do childhood vaccines have on the tuberculosis incidence rate?
What effect does a multicomponent program have on the treatment of depressed women?
Do apprenticeships affect the labor development of male and female youth differently?
How does helping schools better connect with the local community affect student performance?
How does microcredit affect women's businesses?
Does providing feedback on teaching effectiveness in a low-risk environment affect students' learning?
Does psychosocial stimulation, micronutrient supplements, or both increase children's health?
What is the best way to improve education for both mothers and their children?
How do preschool programs affect children and their families?
How does a specialized school-based treatment affect students who have been affected by war-time violence?
Do cash transfers conditional on school attendance affect girls?
How does receiving iron supplements and deworming drugs affect preschool children?
How do school management programs affect students' test scores?
How do sanitation programs affect community sanitation and health?
How do subsidies for antimalarial bed nets affect their adoption?
How do different levels of subsidies on insecticide-treated bed nets affect pregnant women's demand for those bed nets?
How does living in foster care or non-institutional care affect children language abilities?
How do internship training programs affect employment outcomes among youth?
How do empowerment programs and conditional incentives affect child marriage and teenage childbearing?
How does informing students about the benefits of an education affect their habits and environment four years later?
How do resource transfers affect the quality of life for impoverished households?
What influences a mother to properly position her infant during sleep?
How does a growth monitoring program affect child growth and parental practices?
How do cash transfers to mothers affect household expenditures?
How do alternative dispute resolution educational campaigns affect behavior amidst disputes?
How does cash incentive for teachers impact the academic outcomes for students?
How do nutritional and agricultural trainings affect household health and knowledge?
How do different ways of contacting parents affect parent engagement in children's education?
Do sanitation and handwashing promotions affect local sanitation outcomes?
Do community or household conditional transfer programs affect maternal health?
How do information, incentives, and subsidies for principals affect anemia in children?
How do different repayment plans affect loan behavior?
How does a short-term reading program affect students' reading skills?
How does a public works program affect household welfare?
How does giving women access to contraceptives in the presence of their husbands affect fertility decisions and family planning?
How does providing schools with management training and resources affect academic outcomes?
How does individualized scaffolding teaching affect children's mathematical literacy?
What are the effects of school food programs on child health and academic performance?
How do financial incentives for teachers affect student performance?
How does training mothers on responsive feeding techniques affect the weight and eating habits of children?
How does a hand hygiene campaign affect student health?
How does giving birth attendants extra training and practice in resuscitation affect infant health?
What effects do varying degrees of dosages of elemental iron have on the health of young children?
Does a transfer of cash affect the amount of child labor used by households?
How do conditional and unconditional cash transfers affect academic and reproductive behaviors of female students?
How do daycare programs affect children, mothers, and caregivers?
How does deworming affect health, education, and employment outcomes in the long run?
Does hiring more local teachers improve student's educational quality?
What is the impact of tuition subsidies on school enrollment?
What is the impact of job training on employment rates in information communications technology jobs and gender biases in the workplace?
What is the effect of subsidized family insurance programs on the rate of visits to covered medical facilities by children who are either eligible or ineligible for coverage?
What effect does sponsorship for free uniforms have on children's school outcomes?
What was the impact of a smoking prevention program on adolescent smoking?
What is the impact of a daily text message reminder program on the consumption of nutrition packets for children?
What is the impact of a peer-led education program on HIV knowledge, attitudes, and risk behavior?
How do prevention efforts and deworming drugs affect children's health?
What effect do information and cash transfers have on child development in Nepal?
Does social interaction with female leaders affect household investment and aspirations?
What is the affect of computer assisted learning on math education?
What is the impact of additional preschool on childrens' development?
What effect did anti-violence against women films have on rates of violence and willingness to report violence against women?
How do informational sessions on employment opportunities given by recruiters in rural villages affect women's career and family choices?
How does giving cash to impoverished households affect their children's school enrollment?
How do different types of conditional cash transfers impact a student's enrollment and attendance in school?
How does sharing nutritional advice on breastfeeding and weaning with mothers affect infant respiratory morbidity?
What affect does school counseling have on student anxiety and dropout rates?
How does a child nutrition training for mothers affect their children's dental health?
How does an early childhood development program affect children and their families?
Does eliminating tuition payments impact student enrollment or success in school?
How does a social cognitive theory based HIV-prevention program affect sexual risk behaviors among students?
What impact does medium-term exposure to the social assistance program of Oportunidades have on a child's (ages 6-11) likeliness to succeed in school?
What impact does zinc supplemental program have on the management of acute watery diarrhea in children?
What impact do cash incentives have on school attendance of children and the prevalence of child work?
What impact does subsidizing iron-rich milk have on the rate of anemia prevalence in children?
What effect do reading programs and play groups have on reading abilities in young children in Tonga?
Does milk fortified with nutrients affect child growth and iron-levels?
How does exposing children to developmental activities affect their development?
What impact do cash transfer programs have on infant mortality rates?
What impact does an asthma education program have on child asthma?
How do early cash incentives for young children to attend school and medical clinics affect schooling, labor, and development in the long run?
How does medical training for local birth attendants affect infant mortality rates?
How do solar lamps affect school performance?
What is the impact of cash incentives for school attendance on children whose peers received the incentive?
Does providing medical education and/or an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) checklist to clinics affect IUD usage by patients?
Does a nutrition training for mothers affect cavities in children?
How does upgrading slum dwellings affect the living conditions of the extremely poor?
Does a difference in income level change the impact a cash transfer program has on a child's physical and cognitive development?
What is the long term-effect that in-home nutritional counseling has on childhood cavity rates?
What is the long-term effect of in-home dietary counseling on a child's diet?
How does the economic status of a household affect the likelihood that children work?
Do weekly or daily iron supplements given to infants for 24 weeks affect hemoglobin levels or anemia prevalence?
Do health promoting classes affect the health of college students?
What affect to conditional cash transfers have on prenatal care and birth outcomes?
How does providing teachers with an economics training affect economic education?
Can local organizations repeat previously successful treatments to scale without outsourcing the treatment in a prohibitively expensive manner?
How do cash or food transfers affect a household's food consumption?
Do infant formulas with different iron concentrations affect outcomes such as IQ score, spatial memory, and visual-motor skills 10 years later?
Does a physical education intervention program affect children's physical activity?
What effect does information about education related earnings have on schooling decisions?
How do cash transfers affect the school enrollment of children of impoverished families?
How does the distribution of nutritional information literature affect the dietary habits of adolescents?
Do different kinds of attendance based transfers have different impacts on education outcomes?
How does a snack program in elementary schools affect student attendance rates?
How does providing mothers with dietary recommendations affect their feeding methods and their child's health?
How does a conditional cash program that promotes health knowledge affect sexual practices?
How does an infant and child feeding course for health care workers affect their knowledge of various breastfeeding factors?
How do conditional cash transfers affect the number of infants that are vaccinated?
How do alcohol-based handrubs reduce contact of contact-transferred diseases common among children?
How does breastfeeding education affect breastfeeding knowledge among children?
Do longer school days effect students' future education?
How does an HIV prevention program influence sexual behavior among high school students?
How does the timing of cash transfers and health education impact childhood development?
How do increased visits to health centers affect child health?
How does access to a laptop affect computer behavior among students?
How do conditional education vouchers affect students' education?
How does an educational program on sweetened beverages affect the health of students?
How does educating birth attendants on resuscitation practices affect the mortality rate of newborns?
How does an effort to communicate the proper use of food supplements affect food supplement behavioral practices?
How does giving children nutritional supplements affect their health, growth, and development?
How does engaging pre-school children with health education activities affect their knowledge, attitudes and habits of healthy living?
Does informing adolescent mothers of proper breastfeeding practices affect their breastfeeding practices?
Does mentally and socially stimulating disadvantaged children during childhood affect their performance throughout the next 20 years?
Does receiving a conditional cash transfer affect how different genders spend their time working?
How do conditional cash transfers affect the psychological development of children?
What effect do conditional cash transfers have on family structures during times of economic crisis?
What impact does education have on the cognitive ability of sick and healthy children?
How do conditional cash transfers impact boys and girls differently?
What effect do conditional cash transfers have on school enrollment and grade progression for children?
What impact do conditional cash transfers have on school performance?
What effects do conditional cash transfers have on early childhood development?
How does the type of catheter affect infants' health?
How does teaching students about violence prevention affect forgiveness and abuse?
How does a 1-day newborn resuscitation training alter health worker resuscitation practices?
What effect do the treatments have on behavior related to alcohol use?
What impact does an arts-based vocational training have on employment outcomes?
What is the impact of physical education class on physical activity in high school students?
What is the impact of cash incentives on school attendance in coffee farming and non-coffee farming communities?
What is the impact of cash incentives for school attendance on the marriage and divorce rates of the parents?
How do early cash incentives to attend school and medical clinics impact overall child development?
How do cash incentives to attend school affect poor households?
How do cash incentives to attend school affect child labor?
How does deworming medication for pregnant women affect birthweight?
How do bread rolls with iron supplements affect hemoglobin in young children?
How does household-wide head lice treatment affect the spread of head lice?
How do dietary training meetings with mothers affect infant consumption of junk food?
How do nutrition trainings for daycare teachers affect child anemia?
How does the format of mathematic word problems affect students?
How does a community mobilization program affect women and children who experience the effects of intimate partner violence?
How do wellness training programs affect the health of primary school children?
How do computers affect test scores?
How do cash incentives for health training affect contraceptive use?
How do solar water disinfection interventions affect diarrhea in young children?
How do welfare programs affect adult participation in the labor market?
How does job training affect employment among disadvantaged young people?
How do conditional cash transfers influence children vaccination?
How does business training affect female business owners?
Does consumption of a high-protein supplement during childhood affect long term education?
Do nutrient-filled sprinkles impact anemia in young children?
Does using a chimney stove during pregnancy affect the birthweight of the newborn infants?
Does a job training program impact the employment of underprivileged youth?
How do conditional cash transfers affect the providers of child care?
Does including fathers in a breastfeeding education program affect breastfeeding behavior?
Does a birth attendant training and workshop improve childbirth practices?
How do attachment workshops affect the type of attachment a mother develops with her child?
How did physical activity training influence school children's physical fitness?
How do medical research courses affect medical students?
How do different anemia treatments affect anemia in children?
What impact do psychosocial stimulation and micronutrient supplementation have on early childhood development?
Does cooking with a chimney stove affect the rate of pneumonia in young children?
Does providing health education through a microcredit organization affect the health of clients' children?
What effects do supplements and information have on anemia and test scores in Rural China?
What effect do handwashing programs have on absence and illness rates in schools in China?
What effect does a diet diversity intervention have on the growth of infants?
What effect did job training have on the employment rate of youth?
How does a community mobilization intervention program affect intimate partner violence?
What is the impact of UNMIL Radio on women's participation in local and national politics?
Does a contract for a high school conditional cash transfer affect high school enrollment?
How does providing students with free glasses affect their education?
How does providing feedback on test performance affect students' learning and educational environment?
How do commitment-to-save devices affect student behavior?
Do children who were younger than one-year-old at the time of school-based deworming in Kenya receive spillover benefits from the deworming?
How does training life teachers affect the health and performance of economically poor boarding students?
How does a parenting and family skills intervention affect family relationships among refugees?
How do financial incentives for schools affect anemia in students?
How do nutrition education programs and micronutrient supplements affect nutrition in young children?
How do reminders to save affect spending on ceremonies and holidays?
How do small loans affect income for women entrepreneurs?
How does an after-school technology-driven educational intervention affect student learning?
How do business training and cash grants affect employment and income for young women?
How does training for teachers and parents affect classroom environments and children's learning?
Does a pay-for-performance scheme affect the implementation of proper health practices?
How does business training for women affect the growth of both their business and the local market?
How do conditional cash transfers affect various health outcomes?
How do text-messaging programs affect reproductive health among adolescent girls in low and middle income countries?
What effect does preschool have on children's cognitive development, communication, fine motor skills, and socio-emotional skills?
How does a Fast Track Transformational Teaching program affect teachers' overall effectiveness?
Does a literacy program providing resources, training, and support to teachers impact student attendance and performance?
Does providing life-skills and livelihood training and a safe space to meet for adolescent girls affect their economic and social empowerment?
Does providing teacher training, financial incentives to teachers, or parenting education affect early childhood development?
Does a quiz, teacher training, or a consultant session on HIV education and prevention affect female students' knowledge of HIV and practice of safe sexual behavior?
How do in-kind transfers affect maternal and child health?
How does micronutrient-fortified seasoning powder affect children's health and cognitive function?
What effect do technical and business skills training have on the young workforce?
How do conditional cash transfers affect school enrollment, child labor, and usage of health services by children and mothers?
What influence do self-help groups have on money lending in rural areas?
How does a mixed race room affect student attitudes and academic performance?
How do inaccurate parental beliefs of a child's academic ability affect academic investment?
How does a matching program for education funds from migrants to their home country affect student outcomes?
What effect does a community health promoter have on child mortality?
Does strengthening land laws affect perceptions of land ownership and women's land rights?
How do cash incentives for planning pregnancy deliveries affect the timeliness of birth treatments?
How do cash transfers affect education, pregnancy, and health in women?
How do cash transfers affect education, pregnancy, and health in female dropouts?
How does a salary increase through a teacher certification program affect teachers' situations and student learning?
How does satellite instruction for rural schools affect student performance?
What effect does intervention have on syphilis rates, testing, and treatment?
Is there a difference in the impacts of an unexpected school grant and an expected school grant?
How do parent discussion groups affecting parenting?
How do campaign affect women's voting behavior?
How do psychological support groups affect the mental and physical health of mothers and their children?
How does malaria screening and a literacy intervention affect students?
How do cash transfers affect girls' mental health?
How does a responsible sex education program affect students' sexual behavior?
How does inquiry-based math learning affect student performance in mathematics?
How do scholarships for students from low-socioeconomic groups affect academic performance and advancement?
How does higher education information influence students to invest in education?
How do supplements effect child nutrition and development?
What is the effect of offering scholarships for exam preparation classes on university enrollment rates?
What is the effect of providing water disinfectants on the incidence rate of diarrhea in households and especially among children?
Does a voter education campaign affect perceptions and frequency of vote-buying?
Is giving food assistance to all children 6-23 months old more or less effective in combatting undernutrition than targeting only underweight children under 5 years old?
How does a practice-based education model affect assertiveness in high school males?
How does educating mothers about breastfeeding affect breastfeeding practices?
How does a community-based maternal healthcare program affect maternal knowledge, preparation, and health?
How does cognitive-behavior therapy for mothers with perinatal depression affect infant health and maternal depression?
How do grants for small businesses affect male or female business owners' profits?
How does the timing of a nutrition-supplement program affect the negative association between food insecurity and mother-infant interactions?
How does a school scorecard for community-based monitoring affect school environment?
How does a girls' merit scholarship incentive program affect test scores and attitudes?
How do women-led financial groups affect overall economic wellbeing?
What effect does the Regai Dzive Shiri intervention have on males' and females' knowledge, clinic attendance, and use of pregnancy prevention methods?
How do statistics and role models affect student's educational outcomes?
How do school grants affect boys' and girls' test scores?
How do training videos affect how mothers breastfeed?
How does training mothers in healthy parenting practices affect their actions?
How do community empowerment programs affect youth?
How can a combination of food supplementation and psychosocial stimulation affect the development of severely malnourished children?
How does an educational nutrition program for preschoolers affect preschoolers and their parents?
How does post-birth home visits affect mothers and infants?
How does training mothers on proper food preparation and storage affect contamination levels in weaning food?
How do educational pamphlets and reminders affect infant oral health?
How does a community-based health intervention affect maternal and newborn care?
How does an educational intervention affect breastfeeding practices and newborn health?
How does group education impact diabetes patient's habits of self-care and physical and mental health?
How do different free HIV testing opportunities affect the likelihood a female sex worker will get tested for HIV?
How do school- and family-based interventions affect children's oral health?
How does supportive counseling affect students' academic performances?
How do oral health pamphlets affect snacking habits of infants and their mothers?
How do grants to schools affect learning outcomes in Uganda?
Do different immunization reminders affect completion of the DTP vaccine?
How does business training affect female entrepreneurship?
How do community women's meetings affect birth health outcomes?
How does a new library with trained staff affect learning outcomes?
How do women's group meetings affect birth outcomes?
How does training community health workers affect how care is sought for sick infants?
How does receiving information on infant feeding affect women's' nutrition knowledge and the labor supply of fathers?
How do on-line classes compare to on-site classes?
How does a family recovery program affect alcoholism?
How does nutrition education affect infant health outcomes?
How do family planning outreach programs affect contraceptive use and pregnancies?
How does group counseling affect child nutrition?
How does teaching pregnant women about the dangers of secondhand smoke affect their exposure to and perceptions of secondhand smoke?
How does pill counting and iron education affect anemia prevalence?
How does birth attendant training affect the safety of deliveries?
How does health worker training affect the interactions and outcomes of a visit with a sick mother or child?
Does having mentor mothers visit households affect the weight-for-age z-scores of underweight children?
How does the addition of mobile phones and mobile phone training to an adult education program affect math and writing test scores?
How does peace education affect students' concept of peace?
How do daily texts affect iodine deficiency?
How does reflexology affect labor?
How does a participatory community group affect newborn mortality rates in varying socioeconomic groups?
Does a maternal responsive feeding program affect child development and positive feeding and eating behaviors for the mother and child respectively?
Does writing about one's traumatic grief affect traumatic grief symptoms?
How do group meetings affect the healthy habits of pregnancies?
How does access to different methods of HIV testing affect the rate of HIV testing among truck drivers?
How does a school-based oral hygiene initiative affect children?
How do skills-development programs for young women affect the prevalence of child marriages?
How do cash transfer programs affect child enrollment and attendance in school?
How do unconditional cash transfers affect the quality of life for poor households?
How does a community and health center intervention affect child mortality and child healthcare practices?
How do zinc supplements and caregiver training affect diarrhea in infants?
How do minimally-trained female counselors affect anxiety and depression among female patients?
How does a green banana supplement affect childhood diarrhea?
How does home-based vaccine education affect infant vaccination rates among low-income households?
How does a zinc supplement training affect childhood diarrhea?
What impact does reading a fictional story about HIV/AIDS have on students' knowledge about HIV/AIDS and attitude towards people with the disease?
How do monetary performance incentives for pediatric doctors affect patients' health?
How does parenting training for ethnic-minority mothers affect the behavior among both the mothers and their children?
How does a poverty-alleviation program targeting women affect household well-being and social connections?
How does yoga affect the cognitive performance of schoolchildren?
How does a child-health program affect children's development?
How do microloans affect spending?
How does a social support project affect young girls' general well-being?
How does the creation of a private neighborhood school affect children's enrollment?
How do different methods of cleaning a newborn's umbilical cord affect the newborn's health?
How does a breastfeeding promotion program affect children's cognitive development?
How does a breastfeeding promotion program affect child obesity?
How do a variety of training methods affect how well people learn and remember cardiac arrest training?
Can a phonics-based teaching method improve the reading and spelling abilities of children studying English in low-income schools in India?
How does business training affect the success of an entrepreneur?
How does encouraging mothers to breastfeed affect their children's mental and emotional health 6 years later?
How does motivational education about HIV affect the health and sexual practices of women?
How does a comprehensive math program affect preprimary students' math knowledge?
How do economic assets affect risky sexual behavior?
How does a community-based, maternal-neonatal health intervention affect newborn health?
How does a gender awareness training affect students? thoughts and actions regarding gender differences?
Does reserving seats in the village government for women affect the government's focus on key issues?
How do different newborn-care trainings affect newborn care and mortality?
How do elections with seats reserved for women affect the election 5 years later when there are no longer reservations?
How does pregnancy-health training affect the health of mothers and children during and after pregnancy?
How do elections that require a minimum of 1/3 of the elected officials to be women affect the district they are elected in?
How do birth attendant training and delivery kits affect the number of successful child births?
What effect does a health intervention have on healthy behaviors?
How does attending educational sessions about pre-birth health affect women's knowledge of maternal health?
What effect does a reading assessment program have on students' language learning?
Are nutrition education programs effective in teaching lasting knowledge about nutrition?
How does peer-led education affect health outcomes for students with asthma?
What effect do gender quotas for village councils have on village aspirations and educational outcomes for girls in India?
Does a psychosocial educational intervention affect health knowledge and indicators?
How do brochure pictures depicting female business owners affect loan behavior among men and women?
How does an education about the risks of HIV influence the behavior of mothers?
How does the Living Side by Side unity program affect the communal well-being of high school students?
How does a meeting about safe sexual practices and women empowerment affect female sex workers health?
How does tracking student performance affect their test scores?
How does providing nutrition training to schools and parents affect children's health?
How do various levels of parenting training and nutritional supplements affect the health of infants?
Does peer counselling affect breastfeeding and infant health?
Does providing training to students and their families about good nutrition affect students' nutritional habits?
Does giving guidance on tuberculosis sputum submissions affect the quality of the submissions?
How does specialized training affect teachers? attitudes towards children with special needs?
Do skills training and an employment voucher affect employment indicators?
What is the effect of Kangaroo Mother Care on the overall health and development of low-birthweight infants?
What is the effect of the Gram Varta Program on female empowerment and health?
How does the Gram Varta Program affect health and empowerment among pregnant women?
Do individual and/or group performance-based teacher bonuses affect student performance?
Does training on osteoporosis affect the percent of female students who know of and engage in preventative activities?
Does providing pregnant women with medical information and advice affect the satisfaction they have in their care?
How does educational childbirth software effect a pregnant woman's ability to cope with labor?
What is the effect of action-learning cycle community groups on infant mortality rates?
How do women's groups focused on pregnancy-related-health affect the health of the mother and the prospective child?
Does tuberculosis diagnosis training affect tuberculosis detection?
How does emergency training for doctors affect the number of doctors who use standard approaches when conducting high-risk operations?
How does healthy lifestyle training affect health beliefs?
How do intensive health programs affect physical activity for young women?
How does a male-focused peer-delivered educational intervention affect family planning?
How does a cash transfer program for schooling affect school enrollment, sexual activity, or STI prevalence?
How does a focus on daily steps affect calories expended?
How does psychological counselling affect children who have experienced war?
How do subsidies for non-teacher school inputs affect student learning outcomes?
How do mass media campaigns and community trainings affect handwashing behavior and children's health?
How do programs mandating female participation in local governance affect the position of women in societies that are characterized by gender segregation?
How does the take-it-or-leave-it approach affect water filter purchases?
How does requiring village councils to reserve seats for minorities affect the allocation of public goods in minority areas?
How do peer networks affect participation in informal school programs?
How does providing teenagers with information on HIV risk by partner's age affect sexual behavior?
How do financial literacy training and financial incentives affect bank account behavior?
Does a school with an extra contract teacher improve students' learning and school quality?
How do sanitation programs against open defecation affect community health?
Does providing menstrual products affect girls' school attendance?
How do merit-based girls' scholarship programs affect incentives to learn?
How do tutoring and computer-assisted learning programs affect learning outcomes for struggling students?
How do online sex education courses affect sexual behavior?
How do intermittent screenings and treatments (IST) affect health and educational outcomes?
How do home visits encouraging maternal-child interactions affect child development?
How does providing scholarships for secondary school affect students' future outcomes?
How does reserving leadership positions for women affect the provision of public goods?
How does exposure to female leadership affect bias against female leadership?
How do mass media campaigns and training programs affect handwashing behavior and community health?
How does information, price variation, cash payouts, and gender targeting affect demand for shoes?
How does business training in loan groups affect business practices and outcomes?
What impact does providing information about male circumcision and HIV risk have on males' sexual behavior?
How does including a mobile phone component to adult education courses affect educational outcomes?
How do financial programs for children affect children's financial behavior?
Does providing grants based on community performance affect health and education in the community?
How do business trainings and access to loan lotteries affect business outcomes and household financial activities?
Does offering conditional cash transfers impact the probability of developing sexually transmitted diseases?
How does teaching financial skills to high school students affect financial behavior?
How do sexual education programs and reduced education costs affect sexual behavior among school-aged girls?
How do immunization camps with food incentives affect childhood immunization rates?
How does an oral health education program effect children's oral health?
How do unconditional cash transfers affect parents ability to educate and care for their children?
How do obesity prevention programs in schools affect the kind of food children eat?
How does the intermittent preventive treatment (ITP) affect child performance in school?
How does a student-based teaching curriculum affect science test results?
How does an internet-based intervention affect sexual behavior among Mexican adolescents?
How does on-the-job soft skills training affect the productivity of Indian female garment workers?
How does giving grants to schools and/or incentivizing teachers affect student test scores?
Do social and emotional learning programs affect the behavior of disruptive students?
Do cognitive behavioral therapy programs affect the behavior of disruptive students?
How does the gender of a leader affect their subordinates' belief in and obedience in following their leader?
How does the gender of a job applicant affect how a company evaluates an applicant?
How does giving students information on their specific degree costs, earnings, and alternatives affect their future economic well-being?
How do different teaching programs affect student learning?
How do information shocks affect peoples' attitudes towards the government?
How does provided work experience during a student's education affect their future socioeconomic well-being?
How does afterschool care for children affect female economic mobility?
How does an afterschool care program for children affect their academic success?
How do weekly SMS messages to parents with information about attendance, tardiness, assignment completion affect students' performance in school?
How do maternal literacy and programs affect adult literacy and parental involvement in their child's learning?
How do perceived social norms regarding women working outside the home affect men's support for the female labor market?
How do smartboards affect standardized testing scores?
How do training and educational meetings affect diarrhoea in children?
How does a conditional scholarship transfer affect standardized test scores and graduation?
How does providing story books and interactive reading trainings for caregivers affect reading frequency, reading quality, and vocabulary in children?
How does receiving an electronic device with access to reading materials affect student educational performance and aspirations?
How does the village savings and loan association program affect living conditions?
How does information provided to health care workers and community members on a child's immunization status affect immunization take-up?
How do different financial education services affect respondent's financial knowledge and financial behavior?
Does parenting training affect children's abilities and parents' parenting confidence?
How does providing women with conditional cash transfers affect their willingness to pay to receive these cash transfers themselves?
How does intensive investment training affect the success of small firms?
How does training traditional and religious leaders affect childrens' vaccination?
How does housing university students of different races together affect students' academic performance and attitudes towards race?
How does educating and incentivizing maternal healthcare providers affect postpartum hemorrhage incidents?
How does monitoring staff attendance at a primary health center affect attendance and the quality of care?
How do leaders and conditional cash transfers affect households' investments in their children?
How does local control over who delivers financial trainings affect financial education and behavior?
How do cash and information transfers to parents and schoolgirls affect school attendance and academic performance?
Does giving supplemental foods to infants affect maternal and infant health?
How does additional reading help affect students' reading proficiency?
How do different social comparison techniques affect the exam performance of community health assistants in training?
How does giving heath workers payments and training affect use of healthcare facilities and total revenue?
How does training informal healthcare providers affect the quality of care administered?
How do sessions promoting a growth mindset affect students' educational outcomes?
How do conditional cash transfers affect educational and financial outcomes?
How does ethnic concentration in governmental service area affect participants' national integration?
How do conditional cash transfers and interactions with transfer repicients affect school enrollment?
How does entrepreneurial training affect self-employment outcomes, project creation process, and quality of project preparation?
How does exposure to celebrity tweets affect vaccine knowledge and campaign reach?
How does giving traditional birth assistants cash incentives affect postnatal care?
How does winning a voucher to attend a private school affect the student's test scores?
How does financial education affect financial knowledge?
How does financial education, counseling, and goal setting affect financial behavior?
How does online sex education impact perceptions of sexual health and sexual activity?
How does access to new community preschools affect cognitive and physical development of children?
How does celebrity source citation affect celebrity follower tweet interactions?
How does default banking conditions affect the banking and labor behavior of women in a patriarchal environment?
How does constructing new buildings for schools affect student performance?
How does encouraging people to attend a health clinic that focuses on family planning affect the sexual behaviors and perceptions of participants?
Does teacher training and specific lesson plans impact a student's reading ability?
How does receiving correct information on HIV transmission and circumcision affect the belief that circumcision decreases the transmission of HIV from males to females?
How does the socioemotional skills development afterschool program affect student behavior and school performance?
How does receiving information on either diarrhea or malaria affect knowledge and preventative actions regarding malaria?
Does the construction of early childhood development centers affect children's abilities?
Does the training of teachers at early childhood development centers affect children's abilities?
How does channel of information type impact a participant's attitudes, beliefs and behaviors concerning violence against women in their community?
How do text messages to parents about their child's internet use affect the child's internet usage?
How does tablet-based financial education affect financial knowledge and practices?
How do adult education programs and education-related phone calls affect adults' academic performances and confidence?
Does the gender and indication of socioemotional skills affect applicants' chances of employment?
Does counseling affect students' success in school?
How do transfers affect prices and the likelihood of children having stunted growth?
How do cash transfers impact the perceptions of community members and records availability?
How does a church-based program affect behaviors addressing HIV risk?
Does providing food transfers and training impact the incentive of money earners in a household to work?
How does extra training in pneumonia treatment among CMDs affect the appropriate and timely treatment of illness in the community?
How does a subsidized education affect school dedication?
How does extra training and information provided to health center staff working with malnourished children affect the health and treatment of these children?
How do community health promoters affect the health of community members?
How does computer assisted remedial math tutoring affect the math score of students?
How does a demand or supply side intervention impact enrollment and developmental outcomes in preschool age children?
How does an additional health care incentive affect health care practices?
Does multi-faceted NGO campaigns impact the quality and access of education?
How does the type of transfer (food or cash) impact learning, health, and behavior outcomes in children?
How does community-driven development impact the quality of schools and hospitals in the community?
How does frequency of rewards for math performance affect students' math test scores?
How does exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) information training impact a mother's perception of EBF's childhood health benefits?
How does explaining their child's grades affect how they think their child is doing in school?
Does selling a water filter in different ways affect children's diarrhea after the purchase?
How does pay for performance scheme impact the health of children and the inefficiency of administering healthcare?
How does a hygiene campaign affect hygienic behavior and knowledge?
How does a training workshop affect the non-payment of bribes and incidences of sexual violence at a border?
How does different price subsidies for connection to the electricity grid affect standard of living?
How does a school-based management system affect educational outcomes?
Do teacher training programs affect students' interest and testing?
Do subsidized apprenticeships affect the number of individuals who stay involved?
Do grants to village private schools affect schools' attention to quantity or quality?
Do business trainings affect individuals' business prospects?
How do entrepreneurship trainings for women affect their business success?
How do microfinance loans and training in gender based issues affect female empowerment?
How do individual or group therapy methods affect common markers of mental health issues related to trauma?
Do interventions increase individuals' job prospects?
Do health center interventions affect community healthcare?
How does community involvement on voter registration affect voter registration share?
How do cash transfers affect domestic violence?
How does an intervention that focuses on increasing enrollment and the quality of education affect children's participation and performance in school?
How does increased government and NGO support affect infant development?
How do vocational training and informational newsletters impact employment?
How does diversity in propensity towards violence impact attitudes and behaviors in students?
How does a parental training program and program advertisement affect child cognitive development?
How do parenting centers impact family and child development?
How do administrator incentives and block grants affect anemia rates?
How does the HealthWise Program affect perception of sexual health and substance abuse in youth?
How does a family and community focused psychosocial treatment affect PTSD symptoms?
How does an HIV/STI prevention course designed for men affect condom use and sexual activity?
How does the SHAZ! intervention affect a woman's financial security and sexual activity?
How do training and community mobilization affect vaccination and health beliefs?
How does the Khushi Baby Intervention, an e-product that keeps health records, affect access to healthcare and immunization?
How does financial aid information affect enrollment?
How does grit education affect grit performance?
How do mobile bank account encouragements affect secondary school enrollment and savings?
How does a community health intervention affect child vaccine coverage?
How do information, incentives, or reminders affect vaccination distribution in a community?
How does training local leaders and health care workers affect child vaccination rates?
How do skits by children on HIV/AIDS affect adult perception of a child's role in fighting the spread of HIV/AIDs?
How does peer tutoring affect learning career decision-making skills?
How does hygiene training and water station installations in schools affect hygiene practices in the long and short term?
How does classroom-based intervention aimed at treating PTSD affect a child's ability to cope with PTSD?
How does providing students with corrective eyeglasses affect their academic performance and goals?
How does egalitarian confrontation affect women's overall empowerment and wellbeing?
How do lecture and active learning financial trainings affect financial decisions?
What is the effect of computer assisted language learning on academic outcomes?
How do savings account programs and reminder texts to save money affect a woman's physical and mental well-being?
How does reading fiction affect youth attitudes and decision making?
How does the availability of loans to marginalized applicants affect the economic and academic status of citizens?
How does sexual orientation affect the likelihood that a homosexual couple has their rental application approved?
How does perceived femininity of young boys affect young boys' rate of acceptance into Serbian schools?
How do programs that encourage HIV self-testing affect HIV awareness?
How does directly and indirectly providing HIV self-tests affect female sex workers' habits related to HIV testing and treatment?
How do cash grants and managerial training affect school achievement?
How do youth empowerment programs affect women?
How do increased grants affect parent and student behavior?
How does information on parenting affect parent and student behavior?
Does public employment for women affect the exposure to intimate partner violence?
How do service programs and cash transfers affect household and individual health and well-being?
How does offering admission at a vocational school affect participants' experience in the workforce?
How do business training and mentored business training affect business performance?
How does a conditional cash transfer program affect education, pregnancy, and health-related outcomes?
How does parents answering questions for their children affect how much girls were reported working on the farm?
How do gender-based outreach advertisements, trainings, and events affect gender attitudes, female education, and female marriage outcomes?
How does visually tracking children's immunizations affect the likelihood that children are immunized?
How do conditional and unconditional cash transfers affect the number of routine preventative health clinic visits for children?
How does providing students with education scholarships affect education and health outcomes?
How do trainings, incentives of social recognition, and reminders of decreasing dropout priority affect student dropout rates?
How do discussions focused on behavioral changes for men affect how they treat their partners?
How does a conditional cash transfer program affect social and educational outcomes?
How does family planning and contraceptive use reminders affect pregnancy incidence and contraceptive use?
How does sanitary pad distribution and reproductive health education affect the education and empowerment of school-aged girls?
How do trainings on teaching methods affect students' performance in school?
How do winner-take-all incentives or proportionately distributed incentives affect malnutrition?
How do reserved female areas on public buses affect the rates at which harassment occur?
How do goal setting and achievement-based social recognition affect students' study habits and test scores?
How does community-led sanitation efforts affect open defecation?
How do midwifery training sessions affect compliance to ethical codes?
How do home visits to stimulate child development affect childhood development?
How do ratings and/or report cards on student academic performance and school performance affect learning?
How does receiving trade-specific information about work earnings affect desire to participate in a male dominated trade?
How does a community health program affect children's health and caretakers' healthcare-providing abilities?
How does an HIV prevention program affect adherence to the HIV prevention program?
How does a web-oriented education program on HPV affect girls' willingness to receive the HPV vaccine?
How does assignment to a single gender or mixed gender group in a simulation game affect social outcomes?
How does a community health worker intervention affect adherence to HIV treatment programs?
Does participating in a female empowerment workshop affect overall female empowerment?
How do low-cost food supplements affect pregnancy and birth outcomes for malnourished pregnant women?
How does a financial education program for CEOs of medium to large firms affect firms' financial habits and success?
How do loans and grants from a microfinance institution affect business development?
How does sexual health group- or self-education affect the overall sexual quality of life of participants?
How does education about breastfeeding affect breastfeeding perceptions and practices of new mothers?
How do unconditional cash transfers, nutrient supplements, and behavioral training affect the physical health of children?
How does distraction-style therapy affect the overall experience of a burn wound dressing changing procedure?
How does chess instruction affect students' cognitive and non-cognitive skills?
How does music during a cesarean section affect exclusive breastfeeding?
How does listening to music during a cesarean section and postpartum care placement affect exclusive breastfeeding?
How do monetary incentives and peer referrals affect the likelihood of individuals using an HIV self-testing kit?
How do prescriptions and vouchers for eyeglasses affect student the uptake and usage of eyeglasses?
How do different styles of teaching reproductive health content affect student soft skills overall?
How does an intensive financial education course affect the financial habits and success of ultra-poor households?
How does a breastfeeding education program affect the uptake of good breastfeeding practices?
How do text message reminders about savings and text messages with financial advice affect low-income youth's savings habits?
How do text message reminders affect childhood vaccinations?
How does parenting education affect the development of children?
How does financial education affect the financial literacy and working habits of students?
How does an exercise program affect postpartum depression levels?
How does postpartum counseling affect the mental health of mothers who have experienced traumatic childbirth?
How does natal health education affect mothers' knowledge, attitudes, and practices concerning natal teeth and oral health care?
How does healthcare provider-training affect healthcare providers' ability to give nutritional instruction and counsel to pregnant women?
How does a video feedback program affect child development and maternal sensitivity?
How does interpersonal psychotherapy affect mental health diagnoses among HIV-positive women affected by gender-based violence?
How does nutritional information, cooking demonstrations, and role model discussions affect the physical and mental well-being of HIV-positive wo?
How does education on water usage affect water consumption and water bill payments?
How does a program designed to enhance the quality of life for the ultra-poor affect the role that women played at home?
How does a health training program for mothers affect child growth?
How does a parent empowerment program affect mothers' confidence in caring for premature newborns?
Do counseling sessions and briefings affect exclusive breastfeeding rates and attitudes?
How do conditional cash transfers affect early childhood nutrition?
How do village-based trainings on nutrition and sanitation affect children's growth?
How do programs designed to support AID-orphaned adolescents affect adolescent health and financial security?
How does social accountability and pay incentives affect performance of students and presence of teachers?
How do after school programs focused on clubs, virtue, and mindfulness affect students' psychological and socioemotional health?
How do conditional cash transfers affect students' attendance and performance in school?
How does classroom behavioral training for teachers affect violence and aggression in the classroom?
How do nutritional training and sanitation training affect children's health?
How do gender quotas in a local committee affect female empowerment?
How do vouchers and conditional cash transfers affect human capital in the long-term?
How does a stress management intervention affect mothers' exclusive breastfeeding habits and breastfeeding self-efficacy?
How does a poverty reduction and savings program impact a child's multidimensional poverty?
Do social media/ text message reminders affect use of online resources and/or contact of a support organization for victims of domestic and/or sexual violence?
How does attending choice theory therapy sessions affect feelings that children are needed for a happy life and marital quality?
How does receiving text message information about contraception and family planning affect pregnancy and contraception use of female sex workers?
How does a mother-child education program impact mothers' parenting techniques and habits and children's development?
How does narrative writing and/or art therapy interventions impact stress levels of mothers?
How does education on breastfeeding topics impact the self-efficacy and exclusiveness of breastfeeding?
How does a school- and family-based sugary beverages campaign affect attitudes on and consumption of sugary beverages?
How does nutritional education for preschoolers and caregivers affect preschoolers' consumption of orange-fleshed sweet potatoes?
Do teacher and student prizes affect student and teacher performance?
Do cash transfers, financial group support, and life skills training affect overall socioeconomic standing?
Does giving out starter kits and increasing the price of kerosene affect newborn health?
Does an after-school program affect test scores?
Does offering a self-help credit group affect overall financial success?
How do sub-county barazas affect household use and perceptions of government performance?
How do water, sanitation, handwashing, and nutrition interventions affect the prevalence of disease-causing pathogens in infants?
How does breastfeeding educational training affect the breastfeeding habits of women with their infants?
How do safer sex text reminders affect sexual risk reductions among female sex workers?
How does a skin-to-skin newborn technique affect infant mortality among financially, educationally, and socially disadvantaged families?
How does receiving free books for reading over summer vacation affect student reading abilities?
How do community-based house improvement and larval management programs affect mosquitos and malaria prevalence in villages?
How does prenatal and postnatal breastfeeding training affect women's knowledge and application of breastfeeding?
How do sun protection behavioral trainings and text message reminders affect parents' usage of sun-protective measures and avoidances?
How do reminders and incentives for vaccinations affect the likelihood that participants will get their newborn vaccinated within the first 28 days of life?
How does a 4-year education program with 1 year focused to the academic language of the school affect student performance in school?
How does an online breastfeeding module affect the exclusive and predominant breastfeeding habits of women in the first 6 months postpartum?
How does a sanitation and hygiene education affect the frequency of diarrheal incidents?
How does an enhanced recovery program affect the recovery of women following the cesarean section surgery?
How does a mobile-based educational video games affect students' abilities concerning reading, writing, and speaking?
How do health education texts concerning HIV/STIs and related topics affect participants' sexual habits?
How do nutritional education and psychosocial training sessions for mothers affect their children's bodily and intellectual development?
How does a peer counselor affect breastfeeding behaviors of mothers and infants following childbirth?
How does an interactive training module on congenital cataract affect parental stress concerning their child's medical situation?
How do playful learning sessions that teach about oral and dental health affect children's oral habits and health?
How do phone call reminders about HIV transmission prevention affect mothers' efforts to prevent HIV transmission to their infants?
How does compassion-focused visual art therapy affect attitudes of self-compassion and shame among sexually-abused female adolescents?
How does family-centered educational training on health-promoting behaviors affect the health and health-related behaviors of participants?
How does sexual counseling affect womens' sexual self-efficacy and quality of sexual life?
How does intensive care for women with gestational diabetes mellitus affect the health of infants up to 2 years following birth?
How do health education and nutrition supplements affect infants' health at 24 months?
How does a contraceptive kit following pregnancy affect the likelihood of uptake of contraceptives among women in the postpartum period?
How do targeted text message communications affect women's worries during her pregnancy?
How do scholarship offers for technical and vocational education affect student labor market outcomes and non-cognitive skill?
How does oral feeding transition training affect health factors of preterm infants?
How does an emotional coaching training affect mothers' responses to children's emotional reactions?
How do trainings with groups and from booklets affect mothers' behaviors regarding sexual health care for intellectually disabled adolescent girls?
How does health worker counseling concerning HIV prevention and treatment affect uptake of HIV prevention and treatment methods?
How do parent trainings concerning violence affect rates of assault towards their children?
How do financial literacy and women's empowerment trainings affect the welfare and poverty of participants' households?
How does an early childhood intervention affect child development?
How does a video feedback intervention affect positive parenting?
How do cash transfers impact the school enrollment and success of school-age girls?
How do sanitation, water, and handwashing interventions impact the overall sanitation habits and e. coli levels of a household?
How does a community-wide civic education meeting affect political participation and attitudes?
How does a nutrition intervention program affect parental behavior, child health, and disease incidence?
How do conditional cash transfers affect child labor and enrollment in school?
How does a gender transformative couples' intervention affect health and gender norms?
How does a reading booster program affect literacy of students?
How does receiving information about higher education affect student performance?
Does school-based support affect students' liklihood of future success?
Does a mental health, physical health, and life skills program with female mentors affect mental and physical health?
How does internet access, restricted to Wikipedia, affect students' academic performance and availability of new information?
How do ethnomathematical programs impact students' mathematical skills and understanding of their cultural identity?
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