Accountability: |
requires people to report back on their performance or behavior |
Aspirations/Goals/Expectations: |
helps people imagine the future and aspire to better outcomes |
Commitment Devices: |
Provides some mechanism that helps people decide now what they must do in the future |
Community Mobilization: |
Relies on communities or other groups to self-enforce and self-enact changes in their behavior; gives beneficiaries more control over the intervention |
Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT): |
Transfers cash to people if they meet established conditions |
Conditional Transfers: |
Transfers money or aid to people if they meet established conditions |
Defaults: |
Makes a socially or personally desirable outcome the default choice so people are more likely to do it |
E-products: |
An electronic product that is used in transactions or giving out information |
Feedback: |
provides an evaluation or information about the behavior or performance of people to increase the likelihood they will learn faster |
Financial Products: |
gives people a financial product they need |
Framing: |
displays information or behavior in different ways to test the best way to frame something |
Gender: |
the researchers manipulate gender in some way during the treatment |
Incentives: |
researchers provide subjects with some type of motivation to complete an action |
Identity: |
appeals to the way that people see themselves in order to get them to change their behavior |
Information: |
seeks to educate people by distributing information without the use of another person |
Institutional Rules: |
Who makes decisions, how they are made, and what these decisions are |
Losses/Gains: |
uses loss aversion, and/or frames outcomes as losses and gains strategically |
Mass Media: |
uses radio, television, social media, newspaper, or some other form of mass media |
Participation/Community Mobilization: |
relies on communities or other groups to self-enforce and self-enact changes in their behavior; gives beneficiaries more control over the intervention |
Physical Products: |
gives people a product they need |
Price Variation: |
Offers goods or services at different prices. Usually done to estimate how demand for a commodity changes depending on its price |
Reduce Decisions: |
reduces the number of choices or options that people have to avoid overwhelming them |
Reminders: |
sends reminders in some form to people to increase the change they follow through |
Risk Aversion: |
Avoiding risks. In investing, this means accepting the lower rate of return but avoiding the higher level of risk |
Risk Reduction: |
Reduces the amount of risk people face in order to help them make more rational decisions |
Service Product: |
gives people a service they need |
Social Networks: |
uses social interactions and/or interpersonal relationships in some way |
Social Norms: |
Acceptable rules of behavior in a group or society |
Social Recognition: |
Publicly acknowledging a person or people for behaving in a certain way |
Subsidy: |
Some part of the cost of a good or service is covered by a third party |
Text Messages: |
uses text messages in some form |
Timing/Frequency: |
varies timing/frequency of treatment |
Transaction Cost: |
Cost incurred in making an exchange of some sort in the economy |
Transparency: |
gives employees ability to get information/give information |
Unconditional Transfers: |
Transfers money or aid to people that haven't met any sort of established standards or requirements |